Ai Gruppi Amici di Madre Miradio, aprile 2021
Message for the 120th Anniversary of Foundation
The Religious Franciscan Sisters of St Anthony
Founded by the Servant of God Mother Miradio
of the Providence of Saint Cajetan
1. The Foundation
Mother Miradio of the Providence of Saint Gaetano,
previously known as Giulia Bonifacio (1863-1926),
on 22nd May 1901 founded in Carpino (Foggia),
our Religious Institute.
In April of 1902, with Father Luca De Longis, ofm,
(1866-1904) she names the order “Poor Daughters of St Anthony”[1].
2. Birth – Baptism
- 1. Giulia Bonifacio is born on 2 nd February 1863
in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples),
in a family of modest social conditions,
solidly rooted in the Catholic faith and in Christian values.
- 2. Third daughter of Francesco Paolo (1832-1895)[2]
and Maria Vincenza Raffone (1836-1867)
who “cultivated in their hearts the most beautiful virtues,
especially charity for the poor, who benefitted abundantly”[3].
Giulia was baptized on 3th February 1863
in the Cathedral of Castellammare[4].
3. Childhood - orphanhood
- 1. At just four years of age (1867) Giulia experiences
the pain of losing her mother.
The father remarries Anna Spera[5].
During these events, Giulia, “admired for her kindness,
for the smile that in various circumstances adorned her lips”[6],
she learns to accept the signs of the divine presence,
experimenting how God,
Heavenly Father, “troubles and consoles”[7].
- 2. On 20th April 1872, in the Cathedral of Castellammare,
Giulia received the sacrament of Confirmation
from Monsignor Francesco Saverio Petagna (1812-1878)[8],
4. A prophetic intuition
The meeting in 1879
with Monsignor Vincenzo Maria Sarnelli (1835-1898)
makes her glimpse her vocation:
“Giulia you will be mother to many children, not your own”[9].
She preserves the words of the holy Bishop in her heart.
She question the meaning , until she perceives the goals towards which to orient her journey
“on the mysterious Ways of His Providence”[10].
5. Joining the Franciscans Alcantarine
On 2nd July 1882 Giulia joins
the Poor Daughters of Saint Peter of Alcantara
in Castellammare of Stabia,
and is welcomed by the founder Don Vincenzo Gargiulo (1834-1895)
and by the co-foundress Sr Maria Agnese of the Immaculate (1830-1891)[11].
6. Vocational itinerary
- 1. She is admitted to the Noviciate on 3rd October 1882[12]
taking the name Sister Maria Providence of Saint Cajetan.
- 2. Right after her religious profession on 1st May 1884[13],
the founder and co-foundress entrust her with the role
of teacher for the aspirants and the Novices,
which she carries out for a full eight years until 1892[14].
- 3. After the death of the co-foundress,
in the Chapter of 1892, Sr Maria Providence
is elected as general consultant[15].
On 23th September she is nominated Vicar General[16].
7. At the Hospice of St Margaret of Cortona
- 1. In 1894 she is sent to Rome, as a local vicar[17],
to the Hospice of Saint Margaret of Cortona[18],
founded in 1879 by the Servant of God
Father Simpliciano of the Nativity (1827-1898), Alcantarine Franciscan.
- 2. She remains there until 1896 activating every energy
to overcome the state of tension and friction[19]
between the Institute of the Alcantarine Sisters and the Margheritine Sisters
and renders their living together more serene.
8. Amongst the Alcantarine Sisters
Sister Maria Providence always keep
a commendable conduct[20];
hers is a sure way of proceeding in observance of the Rule
and in the full acceptance of Franciscan spirituality[21]
towards identification with Christ
and reception of his Will.
9. The spiritual direction of Don Francesco Maria Carisdeo
- 1. At the Institute of Saint Margherita of Cortona
Sr Maria Providence begins the turning point in her life;
“the mysterious designs of the Providence”[22]
placed on her way Don Francesco Maria Carisdeo (1827-1904)
Parish Priest of Carpino (Foggia)
in the Archdiocese of Manfredonia.
- 2. Don Carisdeo knows how to see, in the words
and attitudes of Sister Maria Providence,
her trusting abandonment to the will of God
and a profound fidelity to the values of her consecration.
10. The project of the Perpetual Adorers of the Most Holy Sacrament
- 1. This is how it begins, in collaboration with the parish priest
of Carpino, the first project
of a new foundation, named
“ The Perpetual Adorers of the Most Holy Sacrament”[23],
The purpose of the Institute is a confirmation
of her profound love for the Eucharist
and her desire to
”spend her whole life in adoration
to the Blessed Sacrament her only love”[24].
- 2. The foundational hypothesis does not immediately find reception
in the soul of Saint Maria Providence of Saint Cajetan,
also because the project of contemplative
orientation, in the furrow of cloistered life,
is far from that imperative of charity for one’s neighbour,
to whom until now she has devoted a great part of her energy.
At the same time she cannot imagine herself
outside the Alcantarine Family
“to which she felt very tenaciously attached”[25].
11. The decisive turning point
- 1. At the end of 1900 the seed for the foundation project
reaches maturity:
“eager to see the Lord praised and loved”[26],
Sr Maria Providence “decides to found a new Order”[27]
to radically respond
to the divine will that calls her
to a “a more intense inner life”[28].
- 2. She asks and obtain from the Bishop of Castellammare
Mons. Michele De Iorio (1845-1922)
the permission to go to her family
and on the 17th January 1901
she definitely leaves
the Alcantarine Institute.
12. The first stone
- 1. On 22nd May 1901 Sr Maria Providence,
together with Sr Federica Salvatore (1866-1928)
and Sr Giocondina Armellina (b. 1870),
goes to Carpino to begin the foundation.
- 2. The socio-economic conditions of the weakest,
the need for religious and civil education
for children and daughters of the people,
led her to the awareness that the contemplative
experience could be incarnated in the alive
action animated by “the spirit of active charity”[29]
to be always and wherever
“apostle and missionary”[30].
13. The Poor Daughters of Saint Anthony
With the counsel and guidance from Fr Luca De Longis,
Mother Miradio leaves the town in Puglia
and on 2nd April 1902 she settles in Valle Tufara,
in the Archdiocese of Benevento,
where the Institute is named
the “Poor Daughters of Saint Anthony”[31].
14. Ecclesiastical recognition
- 1. Fr Luca De Longis,
“inspirer”[32] and “spiritual director”[33],
is directly involved in the foundational project.
With him the Congregation obtains the Diocesan Approval,
on 3rd April 1902, from Monsignor Paolo
Schinosi (1827-1921), Archbishop of Marcianopoli,
capitular Vicar of Benevento[34].
- 2. On the 24th January 1949 Saint Pius XII
grants to the Institute the Pontifical Approval[35],
thus realizing the dream of Mother Miradio
to “to see the lustre growing of my beloved Institute”[36]
by receiving “the grace that illustrates us before the Church
and it animate and inspire us to always go beyond the embraced Seraphic perfection”[37].
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[1] The consolidated name is “Poor Daughters of Saint Anthony”, but in some original Scripts it appears as “Little and Poor
Daughters of Saint Anthony ”: cfr. Testament of Mother Miradio, 13th June 1913, cfr. Letterhead paper;
cfr. Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 9th July 1925.
[2] Sr Colomba Blasiello, Biographical notes by Sr Miradio of the Providence of St Cajetano, Foundress of the Institute of the
Poor Daughters of St Anthony, 1940.
[3] Ibidem.
[4] Giulia Bonifacio’s Baptism Certificate.
[5] Cfr. Sr Colomba Blasiello. Cfr. Marriage Certificate for Paolo Bonifacio and Anna Spera.
[6] Sr Colomba Blasiello.
[7] Madre Miradio, to Monsignor Alberto Costa, Christmas 1918.
[8] Giulia’s Bonifacio’s Confirmation Certificate.
[9] This “prophetic” expression by Mons. Sarnelli is remembered by Giulia and Maria Robledo, daughters of Vincenza Bonifacio, sister of Mother Miradio. She allows herself to be accompanied on this journey of understanding of God’s will, by a canon who most likely is Don Vincenzo Gargiulo, Founder of the Poor Daughters of St Peter of Alcantara.
[10] Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 22nd April 1919.
[11] Cfr. Elena Marchitielli, The Franciscan Sisters of Alcantara yesterday and today , Torin 1981, pp 138,139.
[12] Ibidem.
[13] Ibidem.
[14] Ibidem.
[15] Ibidem.
[16] Ibidem.
[17] Ibidem.
[18] Ibidem.
[19] Cfr. Elena Marchitielli, The Franciscan Sisters of Alcantara yesterday and today, Torin 1981, p. 93.
[20] Cfr. Elena Marchitielli, The Franciscan Sisters of Alcantara yesterday and today, Torin 1981, pp. 138-139.
[21] Sr. Colomba Blasiello: “She always carried out exactly whatever was imposed on her, never did a complaint leave her candied lips, she was always exemplary, well mannered, serene, cheerful, ready and attentive to undertake whichever task her Superiors placed before her to prove her virtue. She was often seen at the feet of Jesus the Sacrament praying with love and fervour. She was always silent and obedient, prayerful and still. She divested herself of everything, even her own will, to give herself unreservedly to Him who awaits and receives and purifies and sanctifies”.
[22] Mother Miradio, to Mons. Alberto Costa, Palma Campania 25th August 1918; cfr. Mother Miradio, to Cardinal Prisco’s, Palma Campania, 22nd April 1919; “… The zealous works that God inspired in His greatest glory and for the good of souls”.
[23] Sr Colomba Blasiello.
[24] Sr Colomba Blasiello.
[25] Sr Colomba Blasiello: “At the proposal (of Don Carisdeo) the wise Sister replied that on two feet she could not decide, but she would have prayed and pondered the matter deeply before the Lord and then she would give an answer”.
[26] Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 9th July 1925.
[27] Ibidem.
[28] Cfr. Unsigned report by an Alcantarine Sister, in which news is given about Mother Miradio’s entrance into the
Alcantarine until when she left Carpino.
[29] Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 22nd April 1919.
[30] Mons. Alberto Costa, 19th December 1926.
[31] Mother Miradio, Cardito, 1906: “St Anthony loved humanity, but had a special love for Virgins”.
[32] Mother Miradio, 25th November 1905, to Father Dionisio Schuler, General Minister of the OFM.
[33] Mother Miradio Palma Campania, 9th July 1925, to Mons. Alberto Costa. “Most reverend Excellency, eager to see the
Lord, praised and loved, I constantly asked myself what I, poor creature, could do to attain what I so yearned, when in
1901, helped and encouraged by my spiritual Director, Fr Luca of Boscoreale, I decided to found a new Institute”.
[34] There is no official document for such approval, that matches the permission granted by Mons. Paolo Schinosi. for the admission of young women to receive the habit. The permission for receiving the habit is registered in a hand-written copy of a request, dated 3rd April 1902, that Fr Luca De Longis presented to the Bishop.
[35] Decree Protocol No. 7063/35 n. 45.
[36] Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 17th September 1918.
[37] Mother Miradio, Palma Campania, 22nd October 1918
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