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Emblem of the Religious Franciscan Sisters of St Anthony designed by Mother Miradio

Emblem of the Religious Franciscan Sisters of St Anthony designed by Mother Miradio

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The hands of Christ and Francis cross each other and are surrounded by two branches: one with thorns and without flowers that seem to extend into another branch, without thorns, at the top of which there are two flowers.

The Emblem expresses the Pascal Mystery of Death and Resurrection, of  pain and of  consolation. “to do always  the Holy Will of that God that  overthrow and arouse, that trouble and that console” (Madre Miradio, Palma Campania, Christmas 1918). The Cross of Our Lord Jesus is placed in the centre: “They will look at the one whom they pierced” ( Zc 12, 10.).

The sign of the Cross is crossed by the bare arm of Jesus . An arm covered by a brown colored habit, that of Francis, goes in the opposite direction and evokes the response of adherence to Christ. A floral frame not only gives chromatic tones to the emblem, but the two branches intertwine in a crown  around the Cross. On the right, a branch bristling with thorns,  but always green , signifies flowering at the time of trial (Passion) and the two flowers, on the left,  the Mystery of Christ and his Resurrection.  

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Prayer for the 120th Anniversary of the Foundation

Omnipotent and Good Lord,
rich source of newness,
in this particular moment
of our History,
give us the strength
of Your Spirit
and grant us to  receive,
with joy and gratitude
the grace of the Origins.

Break in our  table
the Bread of joy
and teach us again
the logic of meekness
and sentiments of peace,
to be  women of confidence,
builders of communion,
narrators of hope,
sacrament of your tenderness
for the least and the poor in this earth.

Emblem of the RFSA

stemma rfsa

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